Monday, November 26, 2012

Pumpkin Soup Shooters

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday -food, food, football!  I was sad to not spend Thanksgiving at home for the first time in my life (and of course missed Big Wednesday back in the 'dale), but we had a great time celebrating with our new Hong Kong extended family.

Our friends Rachel and Neal hosted a delicious dinner on Saturday - with all the traditional fixin's! The last few years at home, my contribution has always been a Thanksgiving soup, and so I decided that this year I would bring that tradition to Hong Kong.

Tried and true, I made this soup last Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit! Last year I made it with squash, but this year I used Japanese pumpkin, which is really easy to find pre-cut in any market here.  The original recipe from Sunset magazine suggests serving this soup in mini pumpkins - a beautiful presentation! I served it in tall shot glasses as a passed hors d'oeuvre.

Pumpkin Soup with Pumpkin Seed Mint Pesto

What You'll Need:

For The Soup:
large onion, chopped
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger 
  • 2 tablespoons evoo
  • large garlic cloves, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 4 1/2 cups peeled, 1-in. chunks pumpkin or other orange fleshed squash 
  • 4 1/2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

  • For the Pesto:
  • small garlic clove
  • 1/3 cup fresh mint leaves, plus slivered leaves
  • 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup evoo
  • 1/4 cup salted roasted pumpkin seeds
What To Do:
  1. Start with the soup: Sauté the onion and ginger in oil in a medium pot over medium-high heat until golden, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and coriander and cook until softened, 1 minute, then add pumpkin, broth, salt, and pepper. Simmer, covered, until pumpkin is very tender, 8 to 10 minutes. Purée in batches in a blender or with an immersion blender until very smooth.
  2. Make your pesto: Combine garlic, whole mint leaves, salt, and 1 tbsp. oil in a food processor.  Add remaining oil and pumpkin seeds and pound until coarsely crushed.
Serve: Drop small spoonfuls of pesto over bowls of soup, garnish with slivered mint, and serve remaining pesto on the side.

Serves 4-5


Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekend Getaway To Taipei: Street Food Overdose!!

Last weekend Pat and I went with our friends Matt and Jess to Taipei, Taiwan. I was surprised to learn that the flight from Hong Kong is only an hour and a half long. That's easier than heading out to Montauk for the weekend!

We arrived late Friday night and dropped our bags off at Hotel Eclat before heading straight to one of Taipei's many night markets. The markets are filled with stalls and stalls of food. This was my kind of place! I was also surprised at how much shopping there was in the market! Jess and I browsed for some cute, cheap, finds (scarves, jewelry, jeggings!) inbetween stopping for snacks.

Here are some street market pics. It's all about food, food, food! My favorite was a small, dumpling like bun that was filled with pork (Jessica is buying one above!). I also loved the tempura-style sweet potato fries!

sausage on a stick with a variety of sauces!

There were a lot of seafood options -including the squid, octopus and prawns!

Yes - that's real life! A truck full of hanging hogs.

Why were these cute puppies right next to the street market?!

While most of our trip was about gorging ourselves with delicious street meats, we did manage to visit a few sites. Stay tuned for Taipei Part 2 for more stories and photos!

xx Gillian 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Catching Up: Updates, Visitors and More!

Mom and Dad visit Hong Kong! Here we are on board the Aqua Luna.
I've been slacking. It has been a while since I last updated the blog and weeks have come and gone where "write blog post" never got checked off my to-do list. So here are some quick updates!

About 2 months ago I started at a full time job and I've landed back in the magazine world! I know, I know, I did have it pretty good during my months as a tai tai. But being back at work is great and I'm getting to see a totally different side of Hong Kong.

Then I had some very special visitors! In September, my mom and dad came! Seeing them was amazing and I loved showing them around Hong Kong and giving them a glimpse of my life here. They also spent 2 weeks touring through China, which they really enjoyed!
With my mom at Hutong in Kowloon.

We got to see some sites, have some great meals and most of all just spend some time hanging out after 6 months of not seeing each other! Some of the highlights were visiting The Peak, dinner at The China Club, going through the ladies market and jade market with my mom, feasting on soup dumplings and wedding dress shopping!

We also got to spend Rosh Hashanah together and my mom helped me cook brisket and matzoh ball soup for 25 people. Turns out buying "brisket" in the wet market is not the best plan. The meat wasn't great, but the company was.  (And so was Michael's homemade chicken liver - pictured below with Liz!).

Saying goodbye to mom and dad was hard. Tears were shed. I wish they could have stayed for months, but the good news is they're already planning their next Asia adventure! I think next time they'll take our advice - don't visit in August!

On the Star Ferry!
Me, Bobo + Big Buddha!
And then just a few weeks later Rissy came to visit! We had a fun weekend in Hong Kong, dancing to some cover bands, swimming off a junk boat, visiting Big Buddha and lunch on the beach in Lantau. Mid week Riss ventured off to Thailand by herself (brave girl!) to ride some elephants and see some Buddhas and then returned to HK for a final hurrah. We spent our last few nights catching up over foot massages, eating a delicious sushi dinner, and toasting with inventive Japanese cocktails at Butler. Rissy - thanks for making the long trip - I loved having you here!

We've also started some wedding planning! Finally under the year-to-go mark, I guess it's time to get a move on some things! Planning from abroad means that I'll be handing over a lot of the job to my mom (thanks, mom). In many ways it's nice to just take a step back and be able to enjoy this time rather than sweat the small stuff.  Stay tuned for more  wedding related blog posts!

Other than that, life here is just normal life. Go to work, eat dinner, watch Homeland, Dexter, The Good Wife, go to bed, wake up and do it all again...  We may throw some curve balls in there just to keep it interesting, like a weekend jaunt to Taiwan or Christmas in Japan! After all, I wouldn't want to let my readers down!