Saturday, February 9, 2013

I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so...

*** What's up with blogspot? My photos post in a weird order. Sorry for the layout, but enjoy anyway!

Just in time for Chinese New Year...I am finally getting around to writing about how we spent our Christmas, which seems like a lifetime ago! Funny how quickly time goes once we’ve stepped back into our normal routines.

Over Christmas, Pat and I spent an awesome eight days in Japan. There’s so much I loved about the country but one thing that really stands out is just how nice everyone is. When we looked lost (which we did, more than once) strangers stopped unsolicited and offered directions. Even those who couldn’t speak English spent a few minutes on their phone trying to communicate with us via google maps. Everyone seems to take great pride in what they do, and it truly shows. And the bowing! I love the bowing.

Our itinerary was jam packed with awesome activities and a lot of travel. A huge shout out to Pat’s childhood friend, Timmy, who a) organized our entire trip, b) spent the week playing tour guide and c) brought a suitcase of costumes everywhere we went – just in case. Timmy has lived in Japan for more than six years and his Japanese is great – a huge help. 

Here was our route:
Day 1- Arrive Osaka, take a train to Nagoya; Day 2 – Train to Matsumoto, then train to Hakuba; Day 3 and 4 – Hakuba; Day 5 – Train from Hakuba to Komaki; Day 6- Himeji; Day 7 and 8 – Osaka.

No wonder I came home exhausted!!!

I started to write this post and it was a three-page diary of just the first four days. So here’s the abridged version…my top 5 Japan highlights! 

Japan is known to have great slopes, and so skiing was one of the things that made a winter Japan trip to attractive to us. From the second we stepped off the train in Hakuba, there was constant snowfall. We stayed at an awesome lodge called Tabi Tabi , which was a 10-minute walk to the mountain. We skied for two days – stopping for hot ramen lunches and big cups of sake (yes - they serve sake in cups- yikes!)

White Out! This was the view from the top on day 1. I couldn't even see my skis!

Rooms filled with crazy photo booths

Wacky photo stickers with x rated drawings. Boys will be boys.
Hey, when in Japan….My karaoke started off shy but finished strong, with a pretty good Fiona Apple solo. And this was at 3pm in the afternoon! Karaoke is all over Japan and might be my new favorite pastime. You know what else they have in Japan – huge “stores” filled with photo booths. The photos automatically give you the crazy big anime eyes and then you can choose weird Japanese backgrounds and draw all over your photo. I loved it. I could really get used to Japan!


It’s a misconception that all Japanese food is healthy! While we did have some awesome sushi and an amazing blow fish dinner, we also had our fair share of fried chicken (apparently huge in Japan), fried octopus balls, and more. Edamame is served as a bar snack here – like peanuts, only better!

Karaage (fried chicken) trucks!
Ski lunch. Not bad.
This place makes you fish for your dinner. So cool.
conveyor belt sushi

Saying hi to my blow fish dinner and blow fish sashimi


Hong Kong has temples; Japan has castles. My favorite was the Matsumoto castle, which is incredibly picturesque.  Himeji boasts awesome shrines at the top of a mountain, where there are also walking paths and a monastery. So peaceful and inspiring.

We spent the week with Pat's childhood friend, Timmy. It was so cool to see him in his element in Japan - and he's seemingly fluent in Japanese - even cooler. Thanks, Timoshi, for being a great host! The last day of the trip we met up with my friend from high school, Koki. Koki and I hadn't seen each other since 2000 - which is a long time ago now! And who ever would have thought way back then that we would reunite thirteen years later in Japan?? Too cool
Pat and Timmy!
Mazel tov to Timmy and Mayumi, who got engaged just a few days after we visited!

On our last day in Japan with Koki after an epic afternoon of eating and karaoke!

Well, finally, I've posted Japan. I still have so much more to write and SO many more photos from the trip. Maybe I'll need a Japan part II post.  Lots more to blog about, including two trips to mainland this month and a very special visitor!

Tomorrow we're off to Bali for Chinese New Year.  Wishing everyone lots of love and laughter in the year of the water snake!! Happy New Year...or as they say....Kung Hei Fat Choi!


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