Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Now Taking Your Travel Suggestions!

After a fun Hong Kong weekend of brunch, booze and bbq's, this week has been about job searching and apartment searching. Normal life stuff snore!

So, in the meantime, I'm daydreaming about all of the fun places we will travel to. I'm taking suggestions for our first long weekend getaway. Somewhere we could scoot off to for two or three days. Bangkok? Beijing? Bali? Anyone out there have ideas?

Other things on my to do list: sign up for Cantonese classes, sign up for Padi dive certification classes, and sign up for cooking classes.

Unemployment is sounding better and better, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. DEFINITELY Bangkok!! I have restaurant and activity suggestions. I think you guys would love it. I would wait on Bali until you get your PADI certification - the diving is supposedly amazing.
