Wednesday, March 27, 2013

525,600 Minutes

This week officially marks the one year anniversary of living in Hong Kong. One year and we're still alive....One year and it feels like I've blinked and all of a sudden it's March again...One year and Hong Kong feels like home, filled with an incredible group of friends (Hong Kong family) and so much adventure!

We arrived last year not really knowing anyone. It's a funny thing trying to make new friends in a strange city but in Hong Kong it's surprisingly easy. One of the things I have loved most about HK is just how welcoming everyone is and how gracious people are with their friendships and contacts. There's no jealousy or possessiveness- just a big community of  like minded people who want to constantly be making new friends. Everyone opened up their little black book to us, and before we knew it we had friends from all over the world to call our own.

It took putting ourselves in some uncomfortable situations. I remember being invited to a girl's birthday party shortly after moving here. It was so sweet- I had only met her once- but she encouraged Pat and me to come along. Pat had to work late so I sucked it up and went alone. There were, of course, awkward silences and forcing myself in people's conversations and introducing myself to strangers at the bar. But I spoke with some great people that night, many of whom I am friends with one year later.  There are so many more examples of that,  and I'm so thankful I pushed myself to go to each and every potentially awkward event, ask for stranger's numbers, and just generally say "yes". And then there are friend dates....Just like real dating, some are great and others not so much.

We've done and seen a lot in a year. Great trips abroad to Hanoi, Taipei, Malaysia, Japan, Shanghai and Bali. We've hiked mountains and gone scuba diving, rode on motorbikes and in sidecars, ate strange street meat and drank moonshine. It has been a year of great adventure, where we've learned about ourselves and challenged ourselves. If anything, this year has whet my appetite to travel more and continue to explore this great big crazy wonderful world.

But, as I sit here writing this, I am en route to NYC. My always home. And I'm bursting to see my family! My niece who now walks and talks! My grandma who is 94 and according to the local Stamford newspaper still lifts weights! My friends who have also had amazingly thrilling years: new careers, new homes, engagements, marriages, pregnancy, babies! And no matter how many countries I visit or where I live, coming back to New York will always be coming home.

So here's to another year, filled with wonder and weddings (!), love and laughter, adventure and awe.



  1. cheers to you Gillian, and one year on your HK adventure! enjoy NYC xo Catherine

  2. Reading this entry gave me chills and made me tear up. I admire your brave sense of adventure and congeniality. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
