Friday, April 6, 2012

We're Live from Hong Kong

Today marks two weeks in Hong Kong and it seems like a good time to get this blog going for our friends and family. 

Two weeks. In a way, it feels like we have lived here our whole lives.  Hong Kong is comfortable, easy and inviting. How many cities can you say that about? 

And in so many ways, it’s all so new. A new language, new customs. Street names I can’t pronounce, foods I can’t identify, and yet somehow, despite all of this, in just two weeks it feels like home.

I can’t yet pinpoint what makes Hong Kong feel so magical. In fact, a lot of the city that I walk through every day looks rather unremarkable, is incredibly congested, or just smells like weird dried fish parts. But, undeniably, there’s something here that’s special, fish parts and all….

I hope you'll keep up with us as we settle into our new lives here and continue to explore Hong Kong and beyond. 

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