ABOUT ME! contacts etc

MEET GILLIAN: I am a New York native, born and raised, and still (relatively) sane. I love a good bargain, a strong cup of coffee, photography, good company, cookbooks and red wine (not always in that order). 

I recently relocated to Hong Kong with my now husband. It's the typical love story: boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl feel adventurous and move across the world.  Naturally.

By day, I am a freelance photo producer and writer. By night, I am a just another girl with a blog documenting this great life adventure as it unfolds.

ABOUT THIS BLOG:  After months of debating a blog name, I finally settled on Once Upon An Escalator.  Hong Kong is home to the world's longest outdoor covered escalator. While I don't live along the escalator, I do ride it almost daily.

please view my shoot production portfolio and published writing samples: http://gsnadel.carbonmade.com/

AVAILABLE for freelance opportunities. Please email me to inquire.

Gillian S. Nadel
email: gsnadel@gmail.com

portrait by the amazing Jana Cruder @ the Ric Pipino salon, NYC.

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