Sunday, May 4, 2014

Where Has The Time Gone?

Well, it has been OVER a year since I've posted on my blog. I blame life. It has this nasty habit of getting in the way of my leisure activities! Funny how that happens...

I last wrote as we were heading back to New York last Easter. A year later and now we're gearing up for our next trip home in just a few weeks time! I'm counting down the days.

So much has happened since I last wrote. It will take me weeks to catch up on all of the posts that I have neglected, but I'm going to do my best to include some of the travel, the food, the visitors and the adventures that we've had in the past year.

And then, of course, there's the wedding, which in my humble opinion deserves a blog of its own! But I'll recap the big weekend with a few of our favorite photos.

Stay tuned over the next few weeks as I catch up on blog posts and I hope to catch up in person at the end of May!


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