SPEAK UP! learn Cantonese

OK…This page comes with a disclaimer: I have NO idea how to speak Cantonese.

But, we are trying.  Our goal is to learn a new word or phrase each day to help us get around.  With the aid of language discs, Google translator and a dictionary, we’re slowly adding new phrases to our vocabulary. Now mastering the pronunciation is a totally different story!

Here are some helpful words and phrases we’re working on. Check back often to brush up on your skills. I'll be adding more words as we learn them!


Please/Thank You: mm goy

Hello: neih ho

How are you?: Neih hou ma?

Good Morning: jou-sahn

Goodbye: joi-gin

Sure Thing…OK: duk laa

I would like to have coffee: ngaw seung yiu gaa fe

Supreme Wife (ie Real Housewives of Hong Kong): Tai Tai

American: Meih-gwok-yahn

Soup Dumplings: xiaolongbao

Taxi: Dixsi

Turn Right: June yow

Turn Left: June jaw

Teng: Stop

Cheqouy: Straight ahead

Din Tai: Escalator

Doe: Road

Guy: Street