Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chocolatey Goodness Brownies!

This weekend we had some friends over for a good old-fashioned BBQ. After all, it was Memorial Day in the states and nothing says summer kick off like grilling! So while we don’t celebrate Memorial Day here in Hong Kong, it was nice to have a little taste of home.

We kept it simple with a green salad, grilled zucchini and burgers with all the fixins.

For dessert, I was craving a simple chocolatey treat and so I attempted my first Hong Kong baking and made Alton Brown’s brownies. 

The prep was ridiculously easy, calling for only a handful of ingredients that I already had in my cabinet. This is a great recipe to have on hand for a last minute dessert emergency (as if you don’t have those often!).

The brownies turned out to have a nice, crisp top to them but were all chew and goo on the inside. They boast deep and sweet chocolate notes without being too rich. One-bite brownie? No way. Be prepared to go back for seconds.

Recipe adapted from The Food Network

What You’ll Need:

4 large eggs
1 C Sugar
1 C brow sugar
8 Oz butter, melted + square of butter for greasing pan
1 ¼ C cocoa powder, unsweetened
2 tsp vanilla extract
½ C flour + extra for dusting the pan
2 pinches kosher salt

What To Do:

Grease an 8x8 pan with butter and dust with flour. Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Using an electric whisk, beat the eggs on medium until light and fluffy. Add both sugars and mix. Add butter, cocoa, vanilla, flour and salt. Mix all ingredients until batter is well combined.

Pour batter into greased pan. Bake at 300 for 45-55 minutes. To test, insert a toothpick in the center – when it comes out clean, your brownies are done.  Let brownies cool. Cut and serve.  Enjoy!

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