Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer summer summertime....

A classic junk boat sets sail in Victoria Harbor

Summer is in full swing and it's officially really f&*%ing hot!!

If we were in NY we’d be running off to Montauk every weekend. I miss it there and all of our friends and favorite spots (long waits at chowder house, lazy days at Ditch, Saturday mornings at Love, cookouts + clambakes, fishing off the pier, bocce ball + pro kadima matches and so much more….)

BUT here I am in Hong Kong! You might be wondering what we do here to escape the heat? We go on junk boats!  (For those Bachelorette fans out there, you may remember the dramatic night junk from Ashley's season).

Me and Pat and on our way to a
cowboys + indians themed junk!
Pat diving off the top deck.
A junk favorite!
It seems like you could go on one every weekend if you play your cards right. In fact, we've already been on 5! They’re usually organized by one or two people and have anywhere from 15-30 friends onboard (a great way to meet people, too). Depending on the weather, the boats sail to different islands around HK and then anchor for a day of swimming, eating, drinking and playing (yes, it's sort of like spring break - but better)! It’s an awesome way to spend the day and an even better way to see Hong Kong.

Before going on my first junk, our friends warned us be prepared to fall in love with HK. As if I hadn’t already!

 Here are some pics from our junk trips! Stay tuned for more as we get our sea legs wet!
Nice form! Notice the beach party happening behind the boats. We swam ashore to join in.
This was our first junk. It was a rainy morning but the afternoon cleared up.
We watched the Dragon Boat Races from an anchored sailboat in Stanley. It was a great day on the water!

A gorgeous sunny day! What's not to love?

A rainy junk day - just as much fun and less spf required!

Yep. This is how I've spent my weekends. Not bad for a Saturday....

There she is - the beautiful Hong Kong. Hong Kong Island is on the left and Kowloon is on the right. 


  1. A-MA-ZING! If only I wasn't on other side of world and banned from alcohol and boat jumping with my 36 pound belly!

  2. oh my goodness! looks amazing! do "junks" exist in the fall when I come yonder! ps those boats are aamzing they look like old pirate ships - did they all go to hong kong to retire after finding the treasure!
